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EazyEFT Installation Guide #2

Last updated 7 July 2023


EazyEFT can be installed on a standalone machine to which no one else will have access, or it can be installed on a network server and accessed from multiple client machines. You CANNOT install two separate copies of EazyEFT on two separate machines pointing to two separate data files. This is prohibited by the terms of the Software License Agreement

This guide will explain a server type installation where your EazyEFT data is stored on your server and this data can then accessed by one or more client machines running EazyEFT. If you require a different type of installation then please select a different guide from our Installation Guides

If you are unsure which type of installation is best for your organisation, then please contact our Customer Helpline number above and we can advise accordingly.

Before you proceed, it is advisable that you download the latest version v24.3.0.0 of the EazyEFT installation program from our Downloads Page When downloading, if you are prompted to 'Run' or 'Save' we would advise that you choose 'Save', as you will use this same installation program to do the initial install on the server and then to do the client install on each required client machine.


Before EazyEFT can be installed on a machine, 'Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8' and 'Crystal Reports Runtime' must also be installed. If you are running Windows 10 / Windows Server 2012 or later, then 'Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8' will be installed already as part of the operating system. 'Crystal Reports Runtime' may or may not be installed already, depending on what other applications you have previously installed on the machine.

The EazyEFT installation program will automatically detect if either of these two prerequisites are not installed and will guide you to the relevant download for each, if required.

Step 1 - Installing EazyEFT On The Server

1.1) First ensure that you are logged into the server as the Domain Administrator (or the local machine Administrator). The install must be run on the server itself. Running the install on a client machine and pointing it to a mapped network drive or a network share will NOT work.

1.2) Right click on EazyEFT-SEPA-Edition-Install.exe and select 'Run as administrator' (as shown below). If prompted by User Account Control, click 'Yes' to allow the installation program to run with full administrator permissions.

Run As Administrator

1.3) The 'Welcome' screen should now be displayed. Click on 'Next'.

1.4) Read the terms of the software license agreement. If you agree, click on 'I Agree'.

1.5) When prompted 'What would you like to do ?', you now have to choose between a 'Complete Install' or the recommended 'Data Files Only' install (as explained below).

What would you like to do ?

Network Install - File Server (Data Files Only) : For the vast majority of our customers, this would be the preferred option. EazyEFT will never actually be run on the server itself. Only the data file will be installed on the server, and it can then be accessed from any number of client machines.

Network Install - File Server (Complete Install) : You really only need to select this option if your users are going to be logging into, and running EazyEFT from, the server itself (e.g. Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, Citrix etc.). If your users are never going to log into the server itself then you should choose the 'Data Files Only' option instead.

Once you have decided on your type of install, make a note of the 'Server Name' displayed. You will need this name later when you go to install EazyEFT on each of your client machines.

Unless otherwise advised by Lir Software, do not change the default 'Database Server Settings'. If you selected 'Data Files Only' click on 'Next' and proceed directly to step 1.9, otherwise click on 'Next' and continue to step 1.6.

1.6) At this stage the installation program will check if the two prerequisites mentioned above are installed. If a message similar to the one below appears, then this means that the first prerequisite, 'Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8', is not installed on this machine. If this message is not displayed, proceed directly to step 1.7 below.

Cannot Detect Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8

By clicking on 'OK' the EazyEFT installation program will begin to download and automatically install the 'Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8' from the Microsoft website. This may take a few minutes so please be patient. Once 'Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8' is installed, the EazyEFT installation program will automatically proceed to step 1.7.

1.7) If a message similar to the one below appears, then this means that the second prerequisite, the required 'Crystal Reports Runtime' files are not installed on this machine. If this message is not displayed, proceed directly to step 1.8 below.

Cannot Detect Crystal Reports Runtime

By clicking on 'OK' the EazyEFT installation program will begin to download and automatically install the 'Crystal Reports Runtime' installation program. This may take a few minutes so please be patient. Once the 'Crystal Reports Runtime' files have been installed, the EazyEFT installation program will automatically proceed to step 1.8.

1.8) If the select 'Destination Folder' screen is displayed (as shown below), then this means that the two prerequisites are in fact installed and the EazyEFT installation program can continue, so just click on 'Next' to accept the default destination folder.

Select Destination Folder

1.9) When prompted to select 'Data File Folder' we strongly advise that you leave the default data folder as is. The EazyEFT data file does NOT need to be (nor should it be) installed to a mapped network drive or a network share. In fact each client machine (and hence your users) do not even need to know where the data file is actually located, so just click on 'Next' to accept the default folder.

1.10) If you selected 'Complete Install', click on 'Next' to accept the default 'Program Manager Group' of EazyEFT SEPA Edition.

1.11) When prompted with 'Start Installation', click on 'Next'.

1.12) When 'Installation Complete' is displayed, click on 'Finish'.

1.13) If you selected 'Data Files Only' proceed directly to step 1.17. If you selected 'Complete Install', you should now be able to run and log in to EazyEFT by clicking on the EazyEFT SEPA Edition icon on your desktop.

1.14) When prompted, enter the default 'User Name' and 'Password' that were provided in the confirmation email that you should have received after you downloaded the EazyEFT installation program.

1.15) When you run EazyEFT for the very first time it will need to build the database and do some initial configuration. Just click on 'Ok' when prompted.

1.16) If the EazyEFT 'Main Menu' and 'Home Screen' are displayed, then you have successfully installed EazyEFT on the server.

1.17) At his point EazyEFT is now installed on the server and you are now ready to install EazyEFT on your client machine(s) and point each client to the data file that you have just installed on the server.

Just follow the complete step by step instructions as per Installation Guide #5 to now do the client install.

If having followed the above steps and you are still having an issue installing EazyEFT, then please contact our Customer Helpline number above.

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