(26 July 2024)
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- Import PAIN.002 - Fixed issue with importing large files. (24 July 2024)
Import PAIN.002
- Fixed issue introduced in v24.1.0.0.
- Report layout revised.
- Direct Debits Import - Additional validation of Mandate Signed Date.
- List Of Debits - Added legend to end of report.
- List Of Credits - Added legend to end of report. (4 July 2024)
- Fixed issue with Home Page calendar not working beyond July 2024.
- Data imports no longer require Excel to be installed.
- Reports no longer depend on Crystal Reports runtimes.
- Added option to hide inactive companies.
- Firebird version 3+ databases now supported.
- Alternative Firebird login details can now be read from the .INI file (rather than from registry).
- Direct Debits - Search button for EMTS now handles Sort Code correctly. (25 August 2022)
- Fixed occasional issue with incorrect namespace being specified on some Bulk Payment files.
- Fixed occasional issue with filtering grids by date columns. (21 March 2022)
- Fixed occasional issue with accented characters (introduced in v3.0.0.0). (14 March 2022)
- System now requires .Net Framework 4.8 (or greater), so Windows Vista no longer supported.
- Domestic Bulk Payments now supported (for non Euro countries).
- Additional options on Bank Configuration screen to support Domestic Bulk Payments (e.g. custom namespace for CHF payments).
- Lapsed Customers option now changed to a grid to support mass purge of 'old' customers.
- Lapsed Suppliers option now changed to a grid to support mass purge of 'old' supplier.
- On SEPA Direct Debits, when the user decides to continue with a customer whose mandate has expired, the Transaction Code on the row will be blanked and they will be forced to select their desired transaction code manually.
- Fixed minor issue with editing 'Date Uploaded' and 'Uploaded By' on the Files Created screen.
- Banque Populaire, Citibank and UBS now supported. (5 July 2021)
Direct Debits
- BIC validation now ignores inactive Customer.
- Customer address lines can now be imported for all import types.
- Import from External Database now allows a custom database timeout to be specified.
- More meaningful message displayed when a customers address needs to be updated to fulfil EU Funds Transfer Regulations.
Bulk Payments
- Added option to import from AccountsIQ XML, to create EMTS or BACS type files.
- Import from Fixed Length File now handles Sort Codes presented in 99-99-99 format.
- BIC validation now ignores inactive Suppliers.
- Supplier address lines can now be imported for all import types.
- More meaningful message displayed when a suppliers address needs to be updated to fulfil EU Funds Transfer Regulations.
- Now allows corporate Proxy Server settings to be specified, if required.
- Now supports Crystal Reports Runtime SP28 (or greater). (27 November 2019)
- Brexit ready.
- Fixed occasional issue where Action Taken was not being passed back correctly to third party applications using customised integration. (4 June 2019)
- System now runs as a true 64bit application on 64bit machines.
- System now requires .Net Framework 4.6 (or greater) for TLS 1.2 support, so Windows XP no longer supported.
- Added Bank Holidays for 2020 and 2021.
- Direct Debits Imports
- More meaningful message displayed if more than one customer in the import file has the same Your Customer Ref.
- Fixed minor issue with AIB Flat File import.
- Import from External Database now allows Transaction Code to be specified for EMTS/BACS files.
- Bulk Payments
- More meaningful message displayed if more than one supplier in the import file has the same Your Supplier Ref.
Multi Currency Files
- Fixed Search button to ensure that the selected supplier's Currency Code is used correctly.
- Now supports separate cut off times for SCT and MCY payments.
- <ChrgBr> node now supported in the Transaction Information Block (if required), rather than the default Payment Information Block.
- Inactive Bank Accounts are now displayed with a grey background on the Company Maintenance screen.
- Changed BIC/IBAN matching routine to ensure that a BIC from Jersey(JE) or Isle Of Man(IM) can be associated with an IBAN that has United Kingdom(GB) as the country code.
- Added UMR to Lapsed Customers report. (21 March 2018)
- Bank Of Valletta now supported.
- Added missing SEPA holiday for 1 May 2018.
- Fixed occasional 'Unable to create XML document' error caused by Windows 10 Fall Creators Update version 1709.
- Enhanced Configure Bank Settings screen to now work on a per company basis.
- Enhanced Direct Debit import from Delimited File.
- Enhanced BACS file creation for HSBC.
- Extra validation added on Customer Import for detecting duplicate 'UMR' and/or 'Your Cust Ref' values.
- Extra validation added on Supplier Import for detecting duplicate 'Your Supp Ref' values.
- More meaningful message displayed when creating a Direct Debit file for a customer who has no address set up, if they are from a non-EEA country/territory flagged as 'Address Mandatory'.
- Fixed issue with importing Bulk Payment files containing suppliers with long address lines. (4 October 2017)
- Fixed occasional issue with printing report after file was created. (3 October 2017)
- System now complies with new EU Funds Transfer Regulation to certain non-EEA countries/territories (effective 26 June 2017).
- SHA512 checksum now displayed for Bank Of Ireland customers on report generated after file has been created.
- Added new Action Taken 'Uploaded Not Yet Authorised' on Files Created screen.
- Added new report 'List of Lapsed Customers'.
- Added new report 'List of Lapsed Suppliers'.
- Added 'Ignore Last X Rows' configuration option to all XML and Text file imports.
- Added 'Import Your Supplier Reference' configuration option for importing bulk payments from EMTS/BACS file.
- PAIN.002 import no longer nags the user if a BIC node has not been found (as BICS are no longer mandatory).
- Fixed minor issue with detecting which encoding to use when importing. (22 March 2017)
- SEB and Credit Suisse now supported.
- Windows Server 2016 now supported.
- Enhanced Configure Bank Settings screen.
- Direct Debit import from Excel File and Delimited Text File now supports the importing of the Requested Collection Date.
- Direct Debit import from External Database now supports the importing of the Requested Collection Date via a PROCESSING_DATE column.
Added facility to import Bulk Payment transactions from
- Fixed Length Text files.
- SISU files.
- When creating a Multi Currency Bulk Payments file, with any non-Euro payments the user is now prompted which Charge Bearer code to use. Select from SHAR or DEBT as required.
- Default Charge Bearer for non-Euro MCY payments can now be specified on the Bank Configuration screen.
- Payers Reference on non-Euro MCY payments updated as per AIB specification.
- Improved detection of invalid BICs.
- Improved Bulk Payments MCY import.
- Improved how MCY transactions are displayed on Supplier Transactions screen.
- Minor change to PAIN.008.XML for HSBC.
- Fixed occasional error when purging suppliers.
- Fixed minor issue with display of Home Page screen on SQL Server installations. (25 July 2016)
- Banco Sabadell, BNP Paribas, ING, DNB and Swedbank now supported.
- Default Bank settings (e.g. cut off times, days in advance etc.) can now be customised on a per bank basis (in advance of new rules which come into effect 21 November 2016).
- MT103 files can now be imported on the Bulk Payments screen.
- Added new nodes required by HSBC and Barclays to SEPA Bulk Payments file.
- Fixed minor issue with importing transactions, where BICs were wrongly tagged as BIC not recognised.
Bulk Payment import from EMT File and UK BACS File
- No longer crashes if a short data line is encountered.
Can now be configured to
- Not import the Payers Reference.
- Change the position and length of the Payers Reference.
- Import the Payers Reference for the transaction only and not update the Supplier record. (13 January 2016)
- System now supports IBAN only files for both Direct Debits and Bulk Payments (which comes into effect 1 February 2016).
- Deutsche Bank now supported.
- Added facility to import SEPA Direct Debit transactions from an AIB Flat File.
- Added facility to import SEPA Bulk Payment transactions from an AIB Multi-Currency Bulk Payments Flat File.
- Expanded Bulk Payment import from EMT File and UK BACS File to import the processing date too.
- Expanded Bulk Payment import to allow the following extra information to be imported (if desired)
- Sort Code or Clearing Code
- Currency
- Country
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- Added new option Tools >> Change Theme.
- Company Maintenance
- Added facility to 'Lock' Output Folder so that processing files cannot be created in any other location.
- Added facility to specify a 'Mask' to determine the name of processing files that will be created.
- Added facility to create BACS files, with or without header records.
- Added configuration option to allow access to HTTP to be denied.
- Added new 'Copy as Supplier' option to Customer pop-up menu.
- Added facility to create BACS files, with or without header records.
- List of BACS holidays added. These are used
- On the Home Page calendar if the company is configured to create BACS Debit files.
- On File Creation screens to help the user select a valid Processing Date.
- BACS holidays do not effect the creation of SEPA files.
- SEPA holidays do not effect the creation of BACS files.
- Added facility to import ARUDD rejection files for BACS transactions.
- Changed Import Configuration screens to allow a default folder path to be specified. Users can also be 'Locked' to selecting a file from this folder only, if desired.
- Fixed Bulk Payments import to
- Allow Excel File (BIC/IBAN) type to be configured
- Update supplier record properly if new IBAN is specified
- Warn the user if any Collection Dates specified have elapsed. The user will now be able to proceed with the import once they agree to use tomorrow's date in place of elapsed collection dates.
- Resolve issue with Reuse EMTS Credits file.
- System now keeps an audit any changes to major details of a Customer and/or Supplier.
- Changed Supplier Maintenance screen to allow suppliers to be flagged appropriately for inclusion in Multi Currency SEPA Bulk Payment files.
- When creating EMTS files the system now remembers the last file name used.
- Changed IBAN entry fields to allow IBANs to be entered containing spaces. Any spaces will be removed before performing validation routine.
- Home Page gets updated each time a DD file is created or actioned, to ensure warning messages are appropriate to the current state of the system.
- SEPA Payment Block information is now held within EazyEFT.
- Fixed occasional Out Of Memory error on Files Created screen.
- On multi-company installations CompanyID can now be passed in from the command line to bypass the 'Select A Company' screen.
- Fixed occasional error when importing PAIN.002 files on SQL Server. (10 December 2014)
- Fixed occasional error when creating Bulk Payments file. (1 December 2014)
- EazyEFT Home Page is now displayed on system start up to highlight any upcoming bank holidays.
- Company Name is now displayed at the top of the Create File screens to make it less likely that a file will be created for the wrong company.
- Changed EMTS files to make sure that invalid EMTS characters are removed.
- Payments
- Changed menu item to read Bulk Payments rather than Bulk Credits.
- Added Remittance Advice column. This can contain up to 140 characters of information to be transmitted they payee.
- Changed SEPA payments file to accommodate Bank Of Ireland.
- Company Bank Accounts can now be configured to do Multi Currency SEPA Payments.
- Added 3 new non-mandatory fields to Credit Import files
- Remittance Advice.
- Country - Only required if the supplier details do not already exits in EazyEFT and if SEPA File type is set to MCY - Multi Currency Bulk Payments.
- Currency - Only required if the supplier details do not already exits in EazyEFT and if SEPA File type is set to MCY - Multi Currency Bulk Payments.
- Changed Import PAIN.002 to accommodate PTSB and Barclays files, which only contain a subset of the information.
- Transaction Imports
- Updated to allow to import with Name and Amount fields only. Import MUST be customised first and flagged as 'Use Name as Only Link to Customer/Supplier'.
- Improved message displayed if the same Your Ref is found against multiple Names.
- Any spaces included in IBANs will automatically be removed when importing.
- Added new button to allow the user to toggle between showing
- The full list.
- Invalid records only.
- Added facility to print the list.
- Files Created - Added facility to manually mark a debit transaction as rejected.
- Branch Import - Fixed to make sure that manually added branches are not removed. This is necessary for users who are still creating EMTS files for processing outside of the SEPA zone.
- Customer Import - changed layout of Excel file. Bank Account Name now positioned beside Customer Name to make it more obvious that we allow for both.
- Supplier Import - Currency and Country columns added.
- Customer/Supplier Maintenance
- IBAN is now displayed split into groups of 4 characters separated by spaces (as displayed on most Bank Account documentation), to make it a bit more user friendly. The spaces do not get saved to the database.
- Added facility to Purge a Customer/Supplier who is marked as Inactive and has had no transactions in the last 13 months.
- System no longer offers to Generate an IBAN for a branch that has been set up with ???????? as the BIC. This is necessary for users who are still creating EMTS files for processing outside of the SEPA zone.
- Fixed problem in previous version where when adding a New Customer, it could not be flagged as B8S Waiver Signed or Use Fixed Amount.
- Direct Debit Groups - Added facility to print list of Group Members and Group Non-Members by right-clicking on the grid.
- Bulk Credit Groups - Added facility to print list of Group Members and Group Non-Members by right-clicking on the grid. (1 April 2014)
- Changed Debits File Creation to ignore space filled Bank Account Names.
- Changed all Excel imports to inform the user nicely if a supported version of Excel is not installed. (28 March 2014)
- Fixed issue where system occasionally calculated incorrect transaction code when importing.
- Changed transaction imports to fail if a Reference specified links to multiple Customers/Suppliers.
- Expanded Customer Import to populate Bank Account Name and B8S field values.
- For multi-company installations, added facility to grant/deny a user access to a company. All users will be granted access to all companies by default. Click on the User Access button to change a user's access rights.
- Transactions Screens
- Fixed to stop Bank Account information from disappearing occasionally.
- Debits - Fixed calculation of Authorisation Cut Off time, where there is a bank holiday between the current and processing dates.
- Transaction Imports
- Changed how number of records to be imported from Excel files is calculated.
- Delimited Text File - Fixed problem where quotes were not removed from the data in the import file.
- EMTS Bulk Credits - Added facility to import from an Excel file that contains Sort Code and Bank Account No details. This is to facilitate creating EMTS files for Sterling accounts.
- Bulk Credits - Fixed problem where import would fail without warning, if a Payers Reference was longer than 18 characters long.
- If a supplier has no Payers Reference assigned, the Payers Reference specified in an import file will now be used for the current transaction only, so the user will not be asked if the supplier details should be updated.
- The first time a user tries to add a transaction for a Supplier who is already on the Bulk Credits list, they will always be asked to confirm if multiple transactions should be allowed for that Supplier. The user now has the option to select not to be warned on subsequent occasions when a transaction is added for a Supplier already on the Bulk Credits list.
- The first time a user tries to add a transaction for a Customer who is already on the Direct Debits list, they will always be asked to confirm if multiple transactions should be allowed for that Customer. The user now has the option to select not to be warned on subsequent occasions when a transaction is added for a Customer already on the Direct Debits list.
- Rejects
- Rejected transactions are now linked back to the individual PAIN.002 (or Ulster Bank CPR/CSR) rejects file that was imported.
- Added new 'Show' button to Rejects/Returns screen to show the list of rejected transactions associated with the file. This option will only be available for rejects files imported into version or later.
- Changed Rejects/Returns tab on Files Created screen to show all transactions rejected, along with option to view/print the associated rejects file.
- Company Bank Accounts screen updated to show EMTS OIN columns on the grid if the company is flagged to use either EMTS Credit or EMTS Debit files.
- Ulster Bank rejection files are now handled better.
- Fixed problem where empty Amendment nodes were occasionally added to SEPA Debit files. (14 February 2014)
- On Direct Debits screen the user must now select which Bank Account to use, before entering transactions
- This allows the system to handle companies that have both Core Scheme and Business To Business customers.
- If the account selected is flagged as Business To Business then only customers flagged as B8S Waiver Signed can be selected.
- When the Create File button is pressed the selected Bank Account cannot be changed.
- The selected account can only be changed by clicking on the Delete All button. All the transactions will be deleted, so that another Bank Account can be selected.
- Any transactions who had the Transaction Code entered manually are highlighted on the list.
- Any transaction for customers who had a FNAL or OOFF transaction processed are highlighted on the list.
- On Bulk Credits screen the user must now select which Bank Account to use, before entering transactions
- Payers Reference can now be edited while entering transactions.
- When the Create File button is pressed the selected Bank Account cannot be changed.
- The selected account can only be changed by clicking on the Delete All button. All the transactions will be deleted, so that another Bank Account can be selected.
- Files Created
- Added new tab to show details of Rejects/Returns imported for the selected file.
- Added facility to view the SEPA XML/EMTS file created.
- List of transactions now highlights any transactions who had the Transaction Code entered manually.
- Added new option 'Rejects/Returns' to main menu. Select this option to view details of PAIN.002 and Ulster Bank Results files already imported into EazyEFT.
- HSBC and Barclays Bank now supported.
- Changed PTSB version of SEPA file to make sure that spaces are never contained in the EndToEndId node.
- On Import PAIN.002 screen the user must now specify if the file being imported is either a) Pre Settlement Rejection or b) Post Settlement Return.
- Can now import Ulster Bank's CPR and CSR result files.
- Direct Debit Groups/Bulk Credit Groups
- The Member and Non-Member grids are now sized better when loading customer/supplier details.
- The Your Cust. Ref/Your Supp. Ref details can be viewed if desired by selecting the column from the Column Chooser.
- Customer and Supplier screens now display a list of groups that the customer/supplier belongs to.
- Company Maintenance
- The Max Limit for Direct Debits/Bulk Credits fields now work for Bank Of Ireland, who use monthly and not daily limits.
- Can now configure system to prevent Customers from being created via DD Import. This is off by default, because users should normally create customers manually so that the generated UMR can be written on the physical mandate.
- Can now configure system to provide specific EndToEndId for debit transactions.
- Can now manually set the Internal Reference No. (FILE_ID) of transaction files.
- Corrected format of Company Name in Standard 18 EMTS Debit and Credit Files.
- Corrected how Transaction Code for EMTS Debits are calculated. (26 November 2013)
- Transaction screens
- Group members are added to the transactions list in alphabetical order.
- Spinning the mouse wheel no longer changes the Amount value.
- Transactions Import Screens updated to make sure that the Configure button is enabled when the Import Type is set to 'Connect To External Database'.
- Direct Debits Import
- Reuse Previously Created File option fixed.
- Updated to allow Transaction Code to be imported.
- Fixed to ensure that Mandate Signed Date is imported when creating new customers.
- Bulk Credits Import - Added new import option 'Delimited Text File'.
- Import PAIN.002
- Added new checks to warn user if non-PAIN.002 file selected.
- Improved to handle Bank Of Ireland files better.
- Changed Data Import to handle files created with no transactions.
- Company can now be configured to allow customers or suppliers to be added to multiple Direct Debit or Bulk Credit groups.
- Direct Debit Groups
- Added more information to the group member and customer lists to make it easier to select the correct customer.
- Debit Group can now be deleted, even if it contains customers.
- Bulk Credit Groups
- Added more information to the group member and supplier lists to make it easier to select the correct supplier.
- Credit Group can now be deleted, even if it contains suppliers.
- Updated to be compatible with HSBC SEPA file format.
- Amended profiles screen to ensure that users are granted appropriate privileges.
- List of branches has been updated. (21 October 2013)
- Added facility to create Standard 18 EMTS Debit and Credit Files.
- Transfer Files
- Authorisation Cut Off Time is now displayed for the selected Bank and Processing/Collection Date.
- File cannot be created if any transaction contains the same IBAN as the selected company bank account's IBAN.
- Import PAIN.002
- Allows multiple results for each transaction file.
- Imported files are moved into a processed sub-folder.
- Screen layout changed to be more user-friendly.
- Transactions Import
- Added new import option 'Delimited Text File'.
- File will fail to validate if the same Your Reference is used for multiple customer/supplier names.
- Increased size of Amount field on Debit Transactions report.
- Increased size of Amount field on Credit Transactions report.
- The Customer/Supplier Import will no longer prevent records with unrecognised BICs from being imported. The user will be informed that the BIC is not recognised but can continue if they are sure that the BIC is correct.
- Added new column Query Details to Customers and Suppliers so that users can be informed that we think there is something wrong with the BIC/IBAN imported from EazyEFT v1.43.
- Customer transactions list is now colour-coded to highlight any Unauthorised and Rejected transactions.
- Customers and Suppliers who have had no transactions recorded for them can now be physically removed from the system.
- Added new Generate BICs and IBANs option.
- List of branches has been updated. (27 August 2013)
- Fixed issue where some customers appeared multiple times in the Customer List.
- On the Customers screen the Amend Mandate button is not displayed unless the Customer has already had a FRST transaction processed.
- List of branches has been updated. (26 August 2013)
- Transactions Import
- Excel file imports can now be customised to read key data from alternate cells in your excel file.
- Added new import option Connect To External Database.
- Added new import option Curves OS File.
- Transfer Files
- Debits file name now defaults to yyyyMMdd_hhmmss_PAIN008.xml (i.e. 20130823_135700_PAIN008.XML would be used for a debits file created at 13:57 on 23rd August 2013).
- Credits file name now defaults to yyyyMMdd_hhmmss_PAIN001.xml (i.e. 20130823_135700_PAIN001.XML would be used for a file created at 13:57 on 23rd August 2013).
- User is warned if file exists and asked if it should be overwritten.
- Credits Files no longer need to be actioned before creating another file, so the Bulk Credits screen is no longer closed after creating the transfer file. User can start creating another list immediately.
- Import PAIN.002 now retrieves more information from Credits Files.
- Added facility to personalise the 'Your Cust. Ref' and 'Your Supp Ref' captions used throughout the system on the Company Maintenance screen.
- Branch Import no longer comes up with [Not Responding] if the user clicks on another application while the Branch Import is running. (29 July 2013)
- File Checksum now shown on printed report after file created.
- Data Import performance improved.
- Create Transfer Files
- The description of the type of file that will be created is displayed at the top of the screen.
- The Originators OIN, BIC and IBAN details for the selected Bank Account are now displayed.
- List of branches has been updated. (18 July 2013)
- Added facility to do Bulk Credits.
- Suppliers
- Import option added.
- Supplier can be saved without selecting a branch.
- Supplier cannot be saved with an invalid IBAN.
- Customer Import expanded to read Mandate Signed Date from Cell H.
- Transaction Imports expanded to read Mandate Signed Date from Cell H.
- Direct Debits/Bulk Credits
- User is warned if any transaction lines are missing BIC or IBAN details.
- Create Transfer File
- Credits screen now also shows Value Date, which is the date that the funds should reach the destination account.
- User is prompted to select which Bank Account to use.
- Calendar now highlights Weekends and Bank Holidays.
- User is warned if the Transfer File is likely to be marked by the bank as a duplicate.
- Files Created screen shows transaction details for SEPA and EMTS, Debit and Credit files.
- List of branches has been updated. (25 June 2013)
- Fixed Mandate Signed Date in PAIN.008 file.
- Customer Import option added.
- Fixed Data Import from existing EazyEFT. (17 June 2013)
- Changed Import PAIN.002 option to work for files not originally created by EazyEFT.
- Company Bank Accounts
- Added 2 new fields Max Limit for Direct Debits and Max Limit for Bulk Credits. So that the system can prevent the user from exceeding these limits for any date. If these values are set to 0 then the system will allow any value of transactions.
- Customers
- The user will be informed if any of the Customer Name, Bank Account Name, Unique Mandate Reference fields contain characters that are not supported in SEPA transfer files.
- BIC and IBAN fields now only accept capital letters and numbers.
- BIC, IBAN fields are automatically enabled when user clicks to add a new record.
- Branch and Bank details are deleted if the customers Sort Code is blanked out.
- Debits Transfer File
- User will be informed if any customer fields contain characters that are not supported in SEPA transfer files.
- User will be informed if the Max Limit for Direct Debits figure will be exceeded for the selected date.
- Structure of file changed ref AIB.
- Debit Transactions Screen
- When customer is selected from the Search button, the appropriate Transaction Code is displayed.
- The search on Your Customer Reference field has been made non-case-sensitive.
- The Customer Name drop down now shows Your Customer Reference and Unique Mandate Reference details for customers too.
- Import - New option added to allow a previously created Debits Transfer File to be re-used. (10 June 2013)
- Initial release of EazyEFT SEPA Edition.
1.43 (12 November 2012)
- Final release of EazyEFT (non SEPA Edition)
1.00 (18 May 2003)
- First ever release of EazyEFT